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Wealth Prism

Product Name: Wealth Prism

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Warning:     If You Have A Checking Or Savings Account Then You Need To Know About…

But He Didn’t Tell You How His Administration
Plans To Simply Steal It From You Instead!

While the left-wing media lies to you and tries to distracts you with fear mongering…

While they slander anyone who questions the blatant election corruption as a “conspiracy theorist”…

While they cheer on nakedly un-American mandates and government intrusions into your personal health care decisions…

And try to cover for the humiliating and shameful military failures that have made America and our allies less safe than we’ve been since 9/11…

The Biden Administration is quietly working overtime on a new and completely unprecedented threat to your life savings…

If he and his corrupt colleagues in The Swamp get their way…

… they will permanently and radically change the way every dollar is made, spent, and most importantly… how it’s tracked!

Soon enough, corrupt bureaucrats in the IRS could freeze your bank accounts… subject you and your family to harassing audits…

All without due process of law and potentially even without your knowledge.

This sweeping new regulation is so intrusive… even the radical left-wing New York Times has said:

What hangs in the balance is nothing short of your entire life savings!

But if you do what I’ve recommended to over 18,210 freedom-loving Americans all across the country…

And follow just 3 Simple Steps I’ll outline right here today… you can not only AVOID the coming chaos…

You might even be able to prosper beyond your wildest dreams!

But I have to warn you… what you’re faced with is unlike anything I’ve ever seen…

Today, I’m going to expose a shocking new law that the Biden Administration is quietly trying to smuggle into their radical agenda…

An unprecedented power grab hiding in plain sight right on page 94, paragraph 3 of the US Treasury’s 2022 budget proposal…

That’s about to give unelected, unaccountable Federal Agents unlimited power…

To control how much of your OWN MONEY you’re allowed to spend on 100% legal products and services…

Even to monitor you and your family’s whereabouts 24/7 wherever you are without your permission and without a warrant!

I ’ll share with you how similar measures have had horrible outcomes for every day, law-abiding folks right here in the USA…

How it could usher in the most expansive new power of taxation in nearly 120 years…

And how it threatens to end banking as we know it…

Funneling all power and control over YOUR OWN money into the hands of politicians, bureaucrats, and the Wall Street elite.

But most importantly, I’ll share a very simple way that you can protect yourself and your loved ones…

Cast a titanium shield around your assets and keep every penny of your hard-earned cash out of the clutches of the corrupt Washington establishment…

So that no matter what new threats crop up to threaten your freedom and prosperity…

For most Americans… the coming chaos will mark the end of the age of American exceptionalism.

When the US was the unquestioned leader of the world and home to a prosperous and free economy.

But for a small few who read this very important message… and follow the specific 3-Step Plan I’ll lay out for you inside…

You’ll not only be able to legally shield your wealth from the “all-seeing eye” of the surveillance state…

… you could even grow wealthy beyond your wildest dreams!

So when the Biden administration makes its move… you’ll be ready to protect yourself and even prosper from what’s to come.

What I’ll share in the next few minutes is a comprehensive plan to help anyone of any means…

… to “opt out” of the Biden Administration’s radical plans.

And safeguard your hard-earned wealth using the same strategies that ultra-rich insiders and the corporate elite are using RIGHT NOW…

… to make sure they won’t be affected by what’s to come.

It’s your last best hope to secure your future prosperity, liberty and most importantly… your PRIVACY!

I’ll share all the details with you in a second… but just before I do you’re probably wondering…

My name is MN Gordon and I’m the founder and CEO of The Economic Prism…

You may have read some of my hard-hitting posts tackling the economy, markets, and monetary policy in leading economic and personal finance websites like:

Zero Hedge, The Foundation For Economic Freedom, David Stockman’s
Contra Corner, Talk Markets, Acting Man,, Silver Bear Cafe…

To date, over 3,000,000 people from all around the globe have tuned in to hear me make sense out of nonsense in our modern financial markets…

My hard-hitting research and analysis goes out weekly to over 70,000 subscribers from every livable continent on the globe…

And unlike most other folks that write about the economy and financial markets…

I have never spent a day working on Wall Street, in an investment bank, or for any political administration or DC Bureaucracy.

I was an engineer by trade who spent 25 years keeping my shoulder to the grindstone…

… saving my hard-earned dollars and learning to navigate the insanity that’s infected our global financial system.

I was warning colleagues about the overheated “Tech Stock” craze back in the
DotCom era…

…taking a position in the silver streaming company Wheaton Precious Metals (WPM) and booking a massive 164% gain.

Netting us a breathtaking 336% windfall…

We also bought shares of Gabriel Resources, a little known precious metals

miner that trades on the Toronto Stock Exchange, and pulled in a 319% return.

We warned about the insanity of the housing market all the way back in 2004…

And started issuing red flags about subprime credit markets in early 2006.

We avoided the late 2007 bloodbath by going long on cash…

And spotted plenty of profitable safe havens after the crushing downswing…

Taking robust positions in Johnson and Johnson (JNJ), Lockheed Martin (LMT), and American Express (AXP)…

Fact is… I’m just as enraged at the financial industry as you are.

I watched folks from my neighborhood growing up lose everything!

I saw my coworkers’ retirement savings go up in smoke…

I saw good, honest, hard-working folks get laid off…

While corporate executives and hedge fund managers got big bonuses and bailouts…

All for creating the 2008 crisis in the first place!

In the aftermath… I decided to take my market-beating methods to a larger audience with the Economic Prism…

For the last 12 years, we’ve helped thousands of investors benefit from the same market-beating strategies…

… the ultra-wealthy have been using for generations.

But in all my years of analyzing, speaking and writing about markets…

I’ve never seen anything as ground shifting as the new regulation that’s about to steamroll average Americans all across the country…

Ushering what will be nothing short of…

See, right now… Joe Biden and his corrupt colleagues in Washington are trying to turn the IRS into a souped-up spy agency with more power than the CIA, FBI, and the NSA combined!

Think I’m exaggerating?

Well, the proof is hiding out in plain sight… inside of the Biden Administration’s new multi-trillion dollar “Build Back Better” agenda.

A dangerous new regulation that will give the IRS unprecedented authority to snoop into your finances.

Let’s dig a little deeper… just so you can see how utterly intrusive this new regulation will be…

Back in 1970… congress passed a law known as the Bank Secrecy Act.

Now, I don’t know about you… but I work for a living…

I’m sure it’s not hard for you to see the direction things are moving here with your financial privacy…

If Uncle Sam was still committed to your rights as a citizen… congress would have RAISED the amount you can freely transact…

And even then, it didn’t give power-hungry politicians and bureaucrats the right to SPY on your finances…

Today, they want so much authority to monitor any and all bank accounts… even the poorest Americans will be affected.

*ALTERNATIVE – a hedge against the change in the bill

It’s written in plain black and white letters inside the Treasury Department’s ownRevenue Proposals for 2022…

They claim these are taxes owed by “wealthy business owners” who don’t report some of their income.

So in order to get the rich to “pay their fair share”… They’re going to spy on MILLIONS OF US?

Take a look at what Biden’s Secretary of Treasury Janet Yellen said about it:

It’s not an invasion of your privacy for the IRS to have unprecedented power to snoop on your checking, savings, or retirement accounts whenever they want?

Friend, please do NOT fall for this shameful and obvious lie!

Well… for one… “experts” inside the Bureaucratic State can’t even agree on how big the “tax gap” is.

In a pitch to the Senate Finance Committee… Charles Rettig – the Commissioner of the IRS claimed that the agency is “under-staffed and under-funded”…

The gist of his argument is crystal clear…

Just give him a bigger budget and more power… and he and his cohorts can catch more “tax cheats” and fill the Federal coffers.

But let’s look into these claims a little more closely…

First of all… Rettig is using cherry-picked numbers to make it seem like the IRS is starved of revenue.

Peek at the chart below and you’ll see that adjusting for inflation the IRS budget has nearly DOUBLED since 1980.

Does that sound like an agency that’s “strapped for resources” as Rettig claims?

This is a number that Rettig just made up out of whole cloth!

In fact, it’s more than TWICE as high as the agency’s own last official estimate.

And according to the Biden administration’s own Treasury Office of Tax Analysis…

So take a minute to think about what they’re telling you…

Needs unprecedented surveillance power to collect a few more pennies per dollar in taxes?

… to catch people stealing loose change out of the “take a penny, leave a penny” tray…

If you’re the astute, freedom-minded patriot I expect you are…

It’s easy to see what’s going on here…

They don’t need a few more pennies in the Federal coffers…

They wasted more taxpayer money by abandoning military equipment to the Taliban…

What they want is to turn your local bank, credit union, or investment brokerage into a weaponized spy asset of the IRS.

If they get their way… they’ll soon be able to control your speech, harass you with invasive audits, or even legally STEAL your money!

Now, of course, “fact checkers” in the left wing media will claim that I’m a conspiracy theorist…

They’d point out that in fact, this new surveillance method only tracks flows…

It doesn’t allow them to spy on individual transactions.

In fact, USA Today published an article to this effect in late September 2021…

And this is technically true… the proposal does not directly give the IRS power to snoop in on individual transactions…

But what they’re not telling you is how this new regulation represents…

Right now, the surveillance powers of the Deep State are limited as far as your finances are concerned.

That’s because back in 1978 Congress passed the Right To Financial Privacy Act…

Among other things… this act prohibits the government from transferring financial information between government agencies without due cause.

In plain English… they need a warrant, subpoena, or federal summons to snoop on you.

But with this new measure passed, they can completely ignore your 4th Amendment rights altogether.

All they need to do is mail you notice that you’re under audit…

And they have the full authority to track your financial information down to the penny!

They can even comb through your tax filings as far back as 7 years…

Don’t listen to the Fake News “fact checkers”… this proposal DOES give The Swamp a back door to monitor your financial transactions…

It allows the IRS to be weaponized against We The People in a way that’s completely unprecedented!

And this is far from grasping at straws or fear mongering… not only CAN this happen…

Back in 2010, as the Obama administration was gearing up it’s election campaign…

The IRS was used to illegally harass organizations that opposed the Obama agenda.

These organizations were required to provide a list of donors… in blanket violation of 1st Amendment Rights …

They were required to submit details about their internet postings on social networking websites…

They were even forced to hand over information about their family members!

Lois Lerner – then commissioner of the IRS – denied having known about the policy…

Claiming that only low-level employees had access to the information.

But within weeks, even left-wing NPR had to push back against her brazen lies…

When an Inspector General report proved that Lerner and other top officials at the IRS…

… knew full well that these unconstitutional policies were in play!

Not only DID she know about it…

… she’d PERSONALLY written harassing letters to 15 different conservative groups!

In September of 2o13, the House Committee released several of Lerner’s emails proving she directly targeted Tea Party groups…

… requesting that all of their applications be delayed.

She even went so far as to say: “Tea Party Matter, VERY Dangerous!”

See, 10 years ago, the IRS didn’t have the resources to monitor millions of private citizens…

They had to narrow their scope to larger organizations and political groups.

But today, new technology means that will all change.

Facebook and YouTube used to rely on users to report “offensive content”…

But as their platform got more clogged with videos, posts, and messages… they struggled to keep up.

Starting in 2016, these massive companies have relied on new Artificial Intelligence software to automate this work for them.

What used to require millions of users and 100s of employees can now be done with a few dozen employees and clever computer bots.

This is how Silicon Valley can so successfully censor any conversation that goes against their narrative.

Joe Biden and his power-hungry colleagues in the Swamp want to copy the same playbook.

And with powerful new technology and expanded powers…

The IRS could soon have the same ability to monitor millions of private citizens’ finances all at the touch of a button.

With this enormous new power, the IRS will be able to harass everyday folks on a level never before seen in US history.

They can now begin snooping into all of your personal information… looking at everything you’ve bought or sold…

I’m sure you’ve heard the phrase “anything you say can and will be used against you?”

Well, now that’s about to become “every dollar you spend can be used against you.”

Any account with “suspicious activity” will trigger an audit…

Now, an army of agents or even automated software bots can dig into your finances and “find” taxes you owe the government.

And before you think “yeah, but MN I’m not a tax cheat… what do I have to worry about?”

With a tax code that’s as murky as a mud pond and massively expanded surveillance capabilities…

… there’s always some “unreported income” or “unpaid tax” that power hungry bureaucrats can find if they’re given a blank check to spy on your bank accounts.

They can force you to pay lump sums, interest, and penalty fees that could enter into the thousands or even TENS of thousands!

You could wake up to find these sums have automatically been deducted from your bank account…

Because unlike other creditors… the IRS does NOT need a judgment against you to garnish your bank accounts!

If you want to appeal… you’ll have to hire a lawyer and an accountant to get the money back.

Of course, with DC Swamp Creatures having a stranglehold over your bank accounts… you might have trouble footing the bill.

If you think this sounds unrealistic or like I’m grasping at straws… you haven’t been paying attention…

Back in 2019, a retired engineer named Uri Rafaeli made a small error when he was figuring out his property taxes and accidentally underpaid.

So did the county send him a notice, inform him that he was short on his tax bill and let him pony up the difference?

Nope… instead they seized his property without warning… auctioned it off…

Well, obviously he owed thousands in unpaid taxes right?

So for less than the cost of a value meal at a fast food burger joint…

And he’s hardly an isolated case… the very same procedure was used over 150,000 times!

Oakland county where this blatant theft occurred is a suburb of Detroit… which declared bankruptcy in 2013.

As cash strapped as Detroit and the surrounding suburbs are…

How long will it be before the DC Swamp’s trillion-dollar boondoggles finally catch up to them?

How much longer can our government “of the people, by the people and FOR the people” keep printing money?

As the old saying goes… what can’t last… won’t!

And when the bill finally comes due… a cash-strapped government will get desperate.

But as nightmarish as this could be for any citizen with hopes for a cozy retirement and small slice of the American Dream…

Because we haven’t even touched on the layers of new regulation this massive “financial espionage” will force banks to comply with…

But with new surveillance measures in place… they’ll be on the hook to report on an estimated 100x more transactions.

Resulting in burdensome, time-consuming, and costly requirements for every single branch in the country.

Of course… Wells Fargo, US Bank, JP Morgan Chase, and Charles Schwab won’t have any trouble…

They have billions of dollars in capital and can afford the new regulations. But your local bank or credit union will not find it so easy.

In the end, this measure will be a massive boon to Wall Street elites who will be the only ones that can survive…

It will allow the partnership between the corrupt Washington establishment and Wall Street to get even cozier.

Not only will this make surveillance of your personal finances much easier and cheaper…

There is a much darker and more sinister goal behind these new regulations…

Even today… having certain political views can get you “canceled”.

Back in August of 2021, Lieutenant General Michael Flynn who served as President Trump’s national security advisor…

… posted a tweet claiming that Chase Bank canceled his credit card because he represented a “reputational risk” to the bank.

Of course, the “reputation” they’re referring to was painted on Flynn by a network of Fake News hit pieces labeling him a “conspiracy theorist”…

Which is just the mainstream media’s way of saying “someone who questions our narrative.”

Now, it’s easy to think this is just an outlier… after all… Flynn is a high-profile person.

But in July of 2021… Paypal, the largest provider of digital banking services, announced a partnership with the Anti-Defamation League to fight “hate and extremism”.

They claim this measure is to “protect the marginalized” and “fight hate and extremism”…

But, nowadays… if you believe that a man can’t become a woman just because he wears a dress…

… you’re accused of being a hate-spreading extremist.

Do you trust that these people will leave you and your family alone to live your lives in peace?

To let you make up your own mind how you want to spend and invest your money?

As this sprawling new regulation starts to squeeze local banks and credit unions…

You’ll soon be at the mercy of the all-powerful banking cartel simply to do normal business.

That means if you want a loan, access to credit, or even just a checking account to pay bills…

You’ll have to follow this new cartel’s rules!

If you question the narrative, spend money on things the ruling class doesn’t like, or vote for politicians that believe you should be free to make up your own mind…

… the Swamp and their cronies on Wall Street can cancel you whenever they want.

Friend, as much as it pains me to expose these new trends…

To show you just how deep the rot has gone into the foundation of this once great nation…

It’s become all too obvious…

Once it starts, it never stops…

These new regulations will tip over a series of dominoes that will lead to totalitarian control over your money.

They’ll give Uncle Sam a sprawling new power of taxation without representation…

Allow the IRS to spy on you, freeze your credit, and garnish your accounts at will…

… all before you’ve even received notice you’re under audit.

They’ll cause thousands of local banks and credit unions to go belly up…

Forcing you to funnel your blood, sweat, and tears into the hands of corrupt Wall Street elites…

Don’t fall for the shameful lies about these new regulations…

This unprecedented spy capability is NOT about catching tax cheats…

Or forcing wealthy corporations to “pay their fair share”…

It represents nothing short of FINANCIAL TYRANNY!

And it means that very shortly…

EVERY single dollar you hold in a traditional bank account, retirement account, or at your local credit union…

… will no longer be your property!

Instead, it will be a “privilege” that corrupt politicians, power-drunk bureaucrats, and criminal corporate elites…

… can loan and revoke on a moment’s notice!

Friend, this is no time to hesitate or bury your head in the sand…

You’ve seen the writing on the wall… greedy governments, too big to fail banks, and radical socialist politicians…

Keep getting more brazen, more desperate for power, and more eager to silence anyone who speaks out or pushes back.

As time goes on… the thriving middle class that helped make the USA a prosperous and FREE country… is becoming extinct.

In its place… corporate oligarchs and big government tyrants want to create a sprawling class of economic slaves…

Completely dependent on THEM for every basic need.

Most will be blindsided by what’s coming…

But for others it will be the OPPORTUNITY OF A LIFETIME!

That’s why I’ve outlined 3 simple steps anyone of any means can follow to prepare for the coming chaos.

If you begin following these 3 Steps starting today… not only can you preserve your liberty and privacy…

You can even profit handsomely from the “Financial Tyranny” to come.

Let’s zoom in a bit and take a closer look into how to preserve what’s yours…

As the financial system becomes more and more strangled by Big Government regulation…

As more and more people start to lose their privacy and watch the value of their savings get eroded by money printing… They will look to a new safe haven.

There is one and only ONE form of money that’s stood the 5,000 year test of time… GOLD!

In fact, during the last financial crisis gold nearly doubled in value in less than 4 years!

Imagine, as everyone around you panics… watching the value of their hard earned savings evaporate before their very eyes…

You could watch your own “hard money” savings EXPLODE in value…

As your purchasing power doubles, triples or even quadruples in value overnight!

Now, instead of fighting for elbow room in coach… you could stretch out in business class and let the journey be part of the vacation.

You could take your sweetheart out to the nicest restaurant in town for the same hit to your pocket book the local bar and grill used to be.

You might even find that beautiful vacation home on the lake you could only dream of before… is now well within your price range.

But you have to be careful… if you simply own gold the way most Americans do…

You could easily end up bailing out the DC Swamp instead of protecting you and your loved ones.

That’s because just like real-estate, 401Ks, and your savings or checking account…

Gold is under threat of government confiscation.

It’s already happened before – the Gold Confiscation Act of 1933 forced citizens to turn in all gold coins and bars…

In fact, since gold is likely to benefit mightily from the coming Financial Tyranny…

… any gold you hold in the US will be EVEN more at risk!

That’s why I compiled a special report titled:

Inside this must-have report I’ll show you proven ways to buy and store gold in safe parts of the world…

Where greedy politicians and corrupt bureaucrats can’t get their hands on it.

I’ll also show you how 21st century technology can convert your gold bullion deposits into a 100% liquid and spendable asset.

Now, not only can you have the security of gold stored in safe jurisdictions around the world…

You’ll be able to spend it anywhere you are at any time with the click of a button.

You can use it to order a pizza… buy groceries… pay your mortgage… or go see a movie.

No one will know you’re spending an asset located 1000s of miles away…

It’s the ultimate shield to protect yourself from Central Banks who want to print away your life savings…

Or Big Governments who want to spy on every penny you spend.

This full-length manual will outline a specific, proven, and easy-to-follow plan to own and profit from the world’s oldest money…

My proven strategy for profiting from gold not just as a speculation but as a time-tested store of value

How to buy and store gold in safe jurisdictions around the world that have a vested interest in maintaining your privacy and trust (And why the Mainstream Media often tells you these places are “dangerous and risky”)

What percentage of your portfolio you should allocate to gold (Hint: it’s different for everyone. I’ll show you a proven way to figure out exactly how much you should own and in what form)

Exactly how to leverage the power of 21st Century Technology to make your gold “invisible”. Converting your bullion deposits into a spendable, secure, and anonymous asset you can trade anywhere in the world at the click of a button

My breakthrough High-Tech Hard Money: Giving Gold A 21st Century Makeover guide will take you by the hand…

And show you how to protect your purchasing, grow your wealth, and keep your spending anonymous…

I’ll also point out the biggest pitfalls that trap most gold investors and how to avoid them.

So you won’t get caught flat-footed in the coming age of Financial Tyranny.

I’ll tell you exactly how you can claim your free copy in just a moment…

But before I do… let’s dive a little deeper and explore the next stage of your financial liberation.

We’ve already seen how banks can be used as a weapon to violate your rights…

Very soon, millions of honest, hard-working Americans could wake up to find that NO BANK will allow them to open an account!

That means your ability to secure credit and loans, pay your bills, even receive payments could be revoked!

In the coming age of Financial Tyranny, many will be brought to their economic knees…

But for a small group of forward-thinking, freedom-loving Americans… it could be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to prosper.

As we speak, a breakthrough new form of bankless finance called DeFi is taking hold.

DeFi stands for “decentralized finance” and it represents nothing short of a revolution.

Instead of corrupt bankers, greedy corporate executives, and power-hungry politicians making decisions about your money and investments…

DeFi is powered by self-executing computer code that can’t be corrupted by central authorities.

That means no “too big to fail” bank or woke social media company can interfere with it…

And no power-drunk bureaucrat can seize or freeze it for any reason or NO reason.

Already, since May of 2020… top DeFi protocols have seen explosive growth of over 15,700%!

It’s a millionaire-making opportunity unlike ANYTHING you’ve ever seen…

And just in case you think the party is already over… you could not be more wrong!

This is literally just the beginning of what’s to come.

Mark Cuban, billionaire entrepreneur and investor said DeFi is “like the early days of the internet.”

And he’s far from the only insider singing the praises of this marvel of the digital age…

Cameron Winklevoss, billionaire technology investor said of DeFi:

Even Goldman Sachs is getting in on the action… as they’ve already filed an application with the Securities and Exchange Commission for a new DeFi ETF.

These smart-money insiders are hot on DeFi for one reason and one reason only…

Revolutionizing everything from loans and credit, to stocks and bonds, and even consumer payments.

If you want to seize on this massive new opportunity to protect your wealth and even profit from the coming age of Financial Tyranny…

You simply need to get your hands on a groundbreaking report I compiled called:

See, just like the DotCom craze… some DeFi protocols will become household names…

Like Amazon and Google… these new technologies will grow into massive trillion dollar businesses…

And some will become the next Worldcom or… fizzling out and taking investor’s hard-earned money with them.

Inside this guide, I’m going to walk you through the hottest new technologies.

I’ll give you an insider’s glance at business models I believe are set to explode and take their share of the multi-trillion dollar global financial market…

So you can give yourself the best chance at bagging a 1000% or greater gain.

And if you find that “shooting for the moon” isn’t your cup of tea…

You can still benefit from safely storing a portion of your savings or retirement portfolio outside the traditional financial system…

Where the IRS can’t seize it, big banks can’t freeze it, and the Federal Reserve can’t print it away.

Whether you want to book once-in-a-lifetime profits or camouflage your life’s savings from the all-seeing eye of the surveillance state…

DeFi Dominance – How To Make Windfall Profits In A Bankless World is your ticket out of a rigged system…

And into a brave new world of prosperity and freedom.

But before I do… there’s one more step you need to take to guarantee your liberty, prosperity, and privacy…

Ever since the Great Recession… as central banks have continued their epic money-printing sprees…

Interest rates have fallen to rock-bottom levels destroying any ability for you to get a good return on your cash.

Right now, traditional savings accounts pay a paltry 0.1%. US Government Bonds and Treasuries are yielding just under 1%.

If you want to take on a little more risk… you can invest in corporate bonds and get a 2% yield.

With mounting government debt, rates simply cannot go any higher…

In fact, we’re even likely to see interest rates going negative over the next few years.

And that’s before you account for inflation being at 40 year highs.

In today’s zero interest rate world… parking your cash in a bank or even buying treasuries…

… is a surefire way to watch your purchasing power melt like a block of butter on a red-hot grill.

So how can you safely store your cash and earn an excellent yield in a “zero interest” financial environment? I’ve discovered the perfect solution. It’s called Digital Asset Staking.

Now, you’ve probably already heard about digital cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum…

But you probably don’t know that you can earn interest on these currencies through what are called “staking networks.”

This is a little-known way you can get safe returns on your cash outside of “traditional” banks and financial institutions.

Not only is this a secure way to store your assets away from the prying eyes of the Deep State…

But you can earn fantastic returns for your effort.

In some cases… up to 25.2%… many times with less risk than you’re currently taking now with a traditional savings or checking account.

However, the safe, stable returns are only available to savvy investors who know what they’re doing…

That’s why I’ve outlined everything you need to know about this little-known cash generator in a report I call…

Inside, you’ll discover how you can start collecting up to double-digit yields through very low risk staking networks.

Here’s a small taste of what you’ll learn:

A killer strategy to find hot assets with very stable values that will pay you up to 9% to own (This is as secure as your checking account with an 89,990% greater return!)

My “stake sandwich” method for earning double digit yields without becoming a gambler

A push-button risk management system to make staking digital assets as brain-dead simple and stress free as having a savings account.

Don’t understand cryptocurrencies? Feel uneasy about owning Bitcoin or Ethereum? No problem… I’ll take you by the hand and show you US dollar based assets that will pay you handsomely to own them (This method is nearly as safe as owning AAA Bonds but can easily pay you 10X more in return)

It’s a truly 21st century take on getting market-beating returns in a no-yield financial environment.

It’s part of something I’m calling… The Financial First Aid Kit.

All I ask is that you join myself and my merry band of over 18,210 “financial freedom fighters” all across the US and the world…

See, this “future age” of Financial Tyranny isn’t on it’s way – in many ways, it’s already here.

With massive new regulations destroying your financial privacy forever…

… you can simply no longer be assured control of your own money!

The DC Swamp thinks you’re too stupid to make your own decisions…

Which is why their intrusion on your God-given rights will NEVER stop.

That’s exactly why I put together the Financial First Aid Kit for you.

It’s exactly what you need to make sure that you and your loved ones survive and thrive in a world that wants to strip away your freedom.

With your permission, I’d like to send a 100% digitally-delivered copy of all 4 proprietary reports straight to your inbox.

And that’s just for starters… Because when you claim your Financial First Aid Kit today…

You’re going to get instant access to my monthly communiqué called…

Inside each jam-packed monthly issue… you’ll get everything you need to build a portfolio that will protect both your wealth and your personal freedom for the rest of your days.

I’ll help you steer clear of the landmines in the financial and housing markets that can blow up your hopes for a prosperous life…

I’ll show you how to camouflage your assets from Big Governments who’ll come to raid them when their unsustainable debts become too much to bear…

And I’ll share how you can not just side-step the Deep State and keep their greedy fingers off your blood sweat and tears…

But become totally financially free, maybe even fantastically wealthy in the process.

Because each month, I’m going to deliver all of my analysis straight into your email inbox.

I’ll do all the charting, all the analysis, all the number crunching FOR YOU…

So you can sidestep the landmines before they blow up your portfolio and erase your hard-won gains.

Here’s just a small taste of the BIG moves this formula has helped me and my subscribers spot:

An inflection point for Lockheed Martin’s Sikorsky Helicopter business that captured a low-risk 78.01% gain

How the recklessness of the Federal Reserve led to the “Powell Pivot Point” that helped me and my subscribers book a 246% gain on a silver mine in just 8 months!

The “back of the napkin” math that let me spot a deep discount for American Express which led to a low-risk 93.72% windfall for me and my subscribers

How the “Fake News” helped my clan bank a 100.07% profit as Starbucks conquered mainland China.

3 pronged charting pattern that zeroed in on the global gold supply crunch helping my subscribers and I pocket a tidy 79.46% return

A strategic “cash hedge” into leading cryptocurrencies that produced returns of 508.4% and 606.6% respectively

Investing in America’s efforts to maintain strategic advantage in drone warfare that netted a cool 233.4% gain

And even more important than making BIG gains in the market… Is protecting the value of your portfolio when they swing against you.

Which is why we advised our subscribers to buy portfolio insurance in late April 2020.

If you’d have followed our advice, you would have secured a tidy 113.07% gain while everyone else was panicking.

How much did you lose during the March downswing?

How much more do you stand to lose in the future as Financial Tyranny takes hold of the US and other major economies around the world?

My goal is to lead you and all of my subscribers – there are 1000s of them all around the world – to the TRUTH!

I want to expose them to how Big Government, Central Banks, and Wall Street executives are rigging the game against them.

And show them an easier path to making money in the markets…

One that allows them to grow their wealth by the day while protecting themselves from the risks of a global financial system addicted to free money.

Most people get their information from the “news”… But if you’ve been paying attention at all… you know the mainstream media just cannot be trusted.

Most people swallow it hook, line and sinker and naively believe whatever they see on CNBC…

Which is why they take big losses when the market finally “corrects” for all the madness and insanity.

But not me, not Wealth Prism subscribers… and, I have a hunch, not you either.

People like you and I question the so-called “experts”.

We study and do our own research – especially when we’re told NOT to.

We do our own thinking and dig to discover the truth for ourselves – especially these days.

The Wealth Prism Letter is about much, much more than showing you market-beating investments…

Or even helping you protect your wealth from government overreach and market insanity…

It’s about finding a community that has your back in an increasingly dangerous world.

Just look at what a few of our subscribers are saying:

I could keep going… sharing all the glowing testimonials our subscribers send us every day…

Sharing how our advice and warnings have helped subscribers book phenomenal gains AND avoid major market downturns…

How we’re helping folks like you prepare for Financial Tyranny…

So you can protect yourself, your family and even your community from what’s to come. But I’d rather you get a chance to see it for yourself when I send you your welcome package that includes your Financial First Aid Kit.

And when you consider that just a single idea inside the Wealth Prism Letter could easily net you a 50%, 100%, or even 1000% + gain…

And that’s not even counting how much you’ll save by avoiding the catastrophe of Financial Tyranny.

If even half of what I’ve detailed today unfolds, our country is in for the fight of its life!

But that doesn’t mean YOU need to be caught up in the devastation.

But I want to give every liberty-loving patriot a pathway out for a truly unbeatable price.

Which is why I’m going to extend a special, no-risk offer for the next 250 folks who decide to take me up on it.

Here’s how that will work…

Just click the big, yellow button below that says “Start My Order” right now while this offer is still valid.

You’ll be taken to my 100% secure order page that uses military grade 256-Bit encryption.

Fill in your details using a credit card, debit card, or PayPal.

As soon as your order is processed I’ll zip you off your FREE Financial First Aid Kit…

So you can start preparing TODAY while you still have a chance.

Then, after that, each month I’ll send you your 100% digitally-delivered Wealth Prism Letter straight to your inbox.

You can print it out, or read it on your desktop, tablet or smartphone.

And if you’re one of the first 250 folks to take me up on this offer…

You’ll get an entire year of the Wealth Prism Letter…

Instead, act today and enroll in the Wealth Prism Letter plus get instant access to your Financial First Aid Kit for just…

The simple fact is, The Wealth Prism Letter is the result of 10,000+ hours of my life.

Each issue is jam-packed with recommendations, insights, and ideas about what’s happening… what you can expect going forward… and most importantly…

How YOU can profit AND protect your wealth at the same time!

The fact is I simply cannot afford to make this offer available to everyone.

As soon as my payment processor informs me that I’ve reached my 250 subscriber limit…

And just so you don’t have any excuses not to give yourself this gift here today…

I’m going to put my money where my mouth is and back up everything I’ve said today…

Here’s how that works… just hit the big yellow button that says “Start My Order” right now…

Make a decision to opt out of the Financial Tyranny that’s already intruding on your God-given rights…

By joining me and more than 18,210 subscribers in our fight for economic liberty.

Study the materials I’ll send out today in your Financial First Aid Kit…

Read and reread the Wealth Prism Letter each and every month…

Put a few of my recommendations to the test…

And only after you’re convinced I can deliver… make the decision to keep it.

If at any time in the next 60 days you decide that this community isn’t for you…

Send me one short email to and I’ll immediately refund your full purchase price.

I’ll even let you keep your Financial First Aid Kit and all the Wealth Prism Letters I’ve already sent you as my FREE gift to you.

You have absolutely everything to gain and NOTHING to lose, so what are you waiting for…

Most folks believe that tomorrow will be a lot like today…

Sure, maybe there’ll be a little turmoil now and again…

But after that, things will settle down and go back to normal.

Well, I’ve got news for you, things aren’t going back to normal!

Giving the IRS unprecedented power to snoop into your personal finances is a fundamental shift.

Soon… they’ll be able to weaponize the financial system against you…

Freezing your credit, garnishing your bank account, or even shutting out of the financial system entirely.

This “new normal” of Financial Tyranny won’t reverse itself… it’s not even going to slow down.

It will be swift and final.

If you’re one of the 250 free-thinking, liberty-loving people to join us today in the Wealth Prism Community…

You’ll be in a fantastic position to weather the storm and even emerge wealthier than ever.

Why leave something as important as you and your family’s security and freedom in someone else’s hand over such a small price?

Join us inside the Wealth Prism community by clicking the button below.

You risk nothing except for missing out.

Together, we can ensure your prosperity, liberty, and security in the dark times ahead.

Once again, I’m MN Gordon and I look forward to meeting you soon.

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Wealth Prism is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.

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